Epic Beards of Review: Fallen Angels #4 of 8 (Comic-a-Day 55/365)


Fallen Angels #4 of 8, JUL 87 (writer) Jo Duffy (artist) Kerry Gammill

Quite unsure what this Ariel chica is up to, but she’s transported the group of them to some backwater dinosaur world. They’re attacked from their arrival, and everyone is in various forms of helter skelter. Some stay and fight, other turn and run. There’s a neat scene where Boom Boom slaps Multiple Man as if he were one of the 3 Stooges (or multiple stooges, depending on how many were made.) The Vanisher does his thing and Sunspot’s powers are somehow boosted, but is knocked out for his efforts.

His new friends have scattered, but he’s rescued by a helpful native. Turns out Ariel is up to no good and there’re mutants here that could make a worthwhile expedition.Some nice use of powers by this new Gomi and Boom Boom, as well as more fun with Multiple Man.

There’s some more subtle goofiness happening here as we delve deeper into finding out just who these Fallen Angels are, but it’s early yet. Duffy is holding back his cards, but making a good case for these would-be heroes. Still not sure how I feel about them yet.