Epic Beards of Review: Fallen Angels #6 of 8 (Comic-a-Day 57/365)


Fallen Angels #6 of 8, SEP 87 (writer) Jo Duffy (artist) Joe Staton

Where do I begin? Seems to me there’s just more hemming and hawing from our outcasts, and more than an acceptable amount from our writers. A shame, really, though I don’t know if there’s enough to go on to actually make it good. It’s funny, because I can see where some of the New Mutants could fit nicely into the series, or even be the actual characters they’re trying to represent.

It’s not until the last three pages that we find out what they’ve been building up to with all the hints from Ariel and Chance’s side conversations. Ooooh, taking them to some other planet (Ariel’s) to be on some sort of game show (again with other characters (Mojo?)) and our mutants’ powers getting all jumbled up (Longshot? that one Marauder?) Sorry if this is confusing, my brain can’t figure out the number of parentheses I need right now.

Anyhow, even without reading the first issue or the last two, I’m making a safe bet that if it took six issues to get to the point, I’m thankful I don’t have to be disappointed in the outcome.